September 21, 2004
Sexy Bitch

Farrah.jpg Let me preface by saying I don't know jack shit about car air conditioners. I just want them to work, and I just want the air to be cold, damnit! (queen bitchy, yes, but let me know how you feel after hopping in your turquoise Geo Metro that has been baking in the sun all day and spending the hour long drive home trying to stick your head out the window just so you can breathe while worrying about giving the people in vehicles next to you a peep show because your clothes are so drenched with sweat they're translucent every day for two years because you are too poor to get your air conditioner recharged.) I want my fingers and toes to turn blue in the time that it takes me to drive from me to you. Frostbite? Yes, please! I have to let y'all know that it is still hot as a motherfucker over here. And yesterday, as I was driving from work to DH's office, I cranked up the airconditioning ON HIGH. Full ventage. And in my car? Because it's so cool? And so happy that you have put it on high? The vents oscillate. Imagine my delight and surprise as I looked over my right shoulder to make sure the road was clear and the combination of my head turning and the oscillating vents made my hair billow out only as Farrah Fawcett or even Brooke Shields on their best hair days could. Yup, y'all. For one millionth of a second, I felt stone cold sexy in a Charlie's Angels the original way. AND, I am not so above feeling like a female that I didn't try to recreate that billowy hair blowy fan on model shooty feeling. In my car. Outside of the school. Hey. At least I wasn't singing "I feel pretty, right?" *sigh* It was not to be, however. But for that one! precious! moment! I knew that I was the bow chicka wow wow est (and not ironically, THE ONLY) girl on the block. I can die happy now. In retrospect, I probably looked like a complete imbecile, ready to merge in to traffic, shaking my head back and forth frantically like I had a bee in my bonnet of something. A girl can dream, right?

Alex | 09:52 AM |


This stupid little AOL weather bug says that it's 59 here.. which is utter crap. It MIGHT be in the upper 70's.. regardless I don't look anything like a Charlie's Angel.. AC or no

comment by rachel at 10:37 AM on 09.21.04 [ link ]

Farrah Fawcett was my hero once upon a time. I'm glad that you had that feeling, if only fleeting.

comment by Surfcat at 10:55 PM on 09.21.04 [ link ]
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