As I was waxing philosophical on the differences between the patch and the pill, dh takes one look at it and says, "HA! You have crack spackle!"
I've heard about husbands taking an active interest in the reproductive process, but renaming your wife's dr. suggested/enforced option after a skit on Mad TV and then wanting to rip it off to see if it hurts?
We need some hobbies.
Just wait until they come out with a version of the pill for men. (I don't know if you even can - but we can dream). Then you'll be able to make all sorts of fun of him.
hey seriously, I know of at least 4 girls, 2 being close friends of mine, that pregnant while on the patch.......... just lettin ya know. not sure if it's just the same with the pill because I obviously dont need birth control right now, and it makes me a psychotic beast anyways,.......... but just somethin to think about.