January 24, 2005
Satisfaction Brought It Back


Just curious. Umm, what's the worst butchering of a song that you sang but swore was true?

I have very vivid visions of a 5 year old TCWH pony stepping around the Hyatt Regency Saipan Pool (in broad daylight, unfortunately. I'm sure Momma and Daddy were *so* nose scrunch *proud*) greeting everybody that walked by with, and at the top of my lungs: "Like a Virgin! Touched by the 41st Star!" running through my brain. And since I was in Catholic School (Hallelujah!) , of course I thought I was singing about the Blessed Mother. As for the touching and the 41st star? I was five. I also sang songs about Jesus on Mars.

Alex | 06:57 AM |


When I was like 10, my mom sister and I, aunt and two cousins, all squeezed into a buick or something. We took off did what we had to do and on the way home the best song in the world came on: I Will Always Love You. Oh ya. three girls, two women, and a boy who all think we can sing better than the other, but they can't hear soy ou have to sing LOUDER. I swear we were all screaming at the tops of our lungs until the song was over. We sat in the parking lot in the car until it was done. And THEN got out. And being all of 10, I KNOW i hit those notes like a pro. So I asked my aunt to verify, and she just nodded and said yup. At the time I felt special. But now I know what it really was. I also used to ride my bike through whatever neighborhood I lived in and sing the national anthem, especially loud when people were in their yards. I thought if hte right person could hear my, I'd be on TV! I'm sure there are tons of other instances too. but I can't think of any funny words right now.

comment by Laura at 11:03 AM on 01.24.05 [ link ]

Simon and Garfunkel's "Mrs. Robinson." I could have sworn the lyric went, "and she's a slut more than you'll ever know," because, well, at least in context of the movie The Graduate, it made sense. Right. It's not that, it's something like "Jesus loves you more than you'll ever know." I like my version better.

Also, Carly Simon's "You're So Vain"? There's still a line in there towards the end that I just don't get, even though I've listened to the song a gazillion times. I really should just look up the lyrics and straighten it out.

comment by Gloria at 01:33 PM on 01.24.05 [ link ]

If you change your mind
I'll be next in line
Olly Oxen Free
Take a change on me....

No? ;)

comment by ViVi at 03:29 PM on 01.24.05 [ link ]

when I was 7, I thought the Eurythmics "Sweet Dreams" was really Sweet Peas. ie, sweet peas are made of beans, who am I to disagree?

comment by Genevieve at 11:27 PM on 01.24.05 [ link ]

Elton John's Benny and the Jets:

She's got electric boots, a mole or two (a molehair suit is the right lyric).

comment by Howard at 06:12 AM on 01.26.05 [ link ]

I know when I was younger, I butchered "Eye of the Tiger," but I cannot remember what the wrong lyrics were so that you could actually find this comment amusing:)

comment by Becky at 01:34 AM on 01.27.05 [ link ]
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