July 11, 2004

Good God. I had my head so far up my ass that I forgot there was world out there past the end of my nose. Only child syndrome, anyone? I saw this over at the fishbowl . She said she just about cried when she read the posts, and she speaks the truth, people. There is a section on the message board for Operation Forgotten Soldier.

As a wife of one who is deployed (Ooh! How's that for stating the obvious?) I have been very fortunate. Chad (who blew is own cover and will no longer be referred to as dh. hip hip! Hooray!) and I speak every day. We e-mail countless times a day, back and forth across the miles, and we are both still extremely lonely and torn up about this. But enough about us. Perusing this site was a real kick in the ass. There are tons more out there who aren't getting a damn thing, e-mail, letter, package, postcard! If you have time, money, or like to write, hop on over there. Even if you don't want to write, put a button on your page. Tell your non-blogging friends. Take Momma, for example. Just the other day she said, "I wish I knew who the soldiers were that were not getting any mail so we could send them some packages." Voila! Behold the powers of the internet! I do have to say that when I see all the people out there who just would like a book or an e-mail, it makes me sad to see on TV that so many celebrities are donating money to the presidential elections instead of donating money to send packages. Wait a second. They have personal assistants, don't they? Why can't Jessica and Nick get their live in to go to the grocery store and throw some shit together? Anyway. We have to elect a president, people. Most of us are educated and opinionated enough that we will come to our own decisions regardless of the flashy ads and whatever the hell else they spend their money on. Maybe I'm being ignorant, but if Donald Trump can afford 2k apiece for the Johns and the Currents, why not 2k to send packages over there? A postcard? Donate some fucking stamps to an elementary school for fuck's sake! But, I digress, I'm getting hysterical. That's what we need, we need celebrity backing. So bigger, better, blogs than mine, if you haven't yet, slap a button on your page, will ya? Or just write about it. C'mon. It'll be fun.

Alex | 07:52 AM |


Mkay I will. :)

comment by rachel at 12:10 PM on 07.11.04 [ link ]

Also, you're right. When my sister was over there she got TONS of packages from my mom and the church... They called her the "commissary".. she left it all behind when she came home because so many girls/people WERE NOT getting anything.

She requested... among the obvious staples... NO MORE BABY WIPES.. she says they CAN take showers and jesus christ she was sick of them...
-canned meats
-KOOLAID POWDER (with the sugar in it allready)
- CD's
- DVD's

comment by rachel at 12:12 PM on 07.11.04 [ link ]

Because Donald Trump doesn't give a damn, and neither do the majority of celebrities out there. :)

comment by Gary at 04:57 PM on 07.11.04 [ link ]

I'm on it! *running over to the fishbowl*

comment by Angela at 03:18 AM on 07.12.04 [ link ]

Posted about it today...Hopefully it'll do some good.

comment by Howard at 06:15 AM on 07.13.04 [ link ]
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