July 13, 2004
Not For the Faint of Heart

jack black.jpg
Dear Lord Please help me. I thought you all deserved a good laugh after putting up with my crap for the last, say...howeverfuckinglong it has been. I got a call from Chad this morning. One of the guys he went over there with is coming home because of an emergency. I've got a fucking emergency. I dreamt that I was in bed with JACK BLACK! Hairy Chest! And he didn't even have armpits! He had nipples! Nipples where his armpits were supposed to be! And then he had another set close to where his elbows were. Embedded in the hair! Now anybody who knows me knows that as much as I like Jack Black, I most certainly do not want him in my bed. Him or his six nipples. And if that's not a fucking emergency to get my husband home to me, I don't know what is. I mean, it wasn't even a relatively clean Jack Black, ala School of Rock. It was Orange County Jack Black. Tighty-whitey sportin', drug doin', dirty, HAIRY HAIRY HAIRY Jack Black. I don't think I'll be able to sleep for the next year. And they wonder why people drink profusely or drug themselves before they go to sleep. *shudder*


Alex | 12:57 AM |


Hahaha. I'm sorry, but that's really really funny. Perhaps just as bad as a dream one of my (male) friends had, where he dreamt that John Ashcroft was his flight attendant.

comment by jacinthe at 01:12 AM on 07.13.04 [ link ]

Oh my GOD! That's just... deeply disturbing. Nipples for armpits!

Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew.

You know what I think it is? I think it's lack of sushi in your diet. Sushi in the diet makes for wonderful dreams and NO ARMPIT NIPPLES.

Plus, sushi has no hair.

Wouldn't you rather have sushi in your bed than Jack Black?

Counting down the days... there's some maguro, sake (the salmon, not the beverage), hamachi and masago with our names on it.

Glad to see you're in a better mood.

comment by Rose at 02:01 AM on 07.13.04 [ link ]

LMAO That is just TOO funny!! Nippley pits! HAHAHAHA

comment by Angela at 05:48 AM on 07.13.04 [ link ]

Young man? Hah!

You old people crack me up. =D

comment by Gary at 12:34 PM on 07.13.04 [ link ]

I know Gary.. that's not all that cracked me up.

Ah betcha didn't know I was gonna say Orange County cracked me up... that movie was muj teh r0x.

comment by rachel at 12:37 PM on 07.13.04 [ link ]

Have Chad tell them that both of his dogs are missing a leg and you're having to hold both of them up and you've gotten a cramp. That's an emergency, ain't it? I can doctor up some pictures via Photoshop if necessary.

Also, check out the new URL referral...Pretty cool, huh?

comment by Howard at 05:12 AM on 07.14.04 [ link ]

Now I don't need to finish my lunch. Jack Black...just the thought makes me shudder.

comment by Simon at 05:59 PM on 07.14.04 [ link ]
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