Also known as ASSPHINCTER says, "What?"
TCWH: (brandishing wine, singing along to Pearl Jam's Better Man, tottering over pictured fish tank and making appropriate 'stank' face) Honey, do you know what this fish food smells like?
DH: Butt?
TCWH: Do you know what this fish food smells like?
DH: Butt?
TCWH: (speaking up so DH can hear me over the roar of the defeaning music) I SAID, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS FISH FOOD SMELLS LIKE?
DH: (ever so patiently and raising his voice so I can hear him therefore proving that I am the deaf addled one) I heard you, and I said "BUTT."
TCWH: (puzzled) What?
DH: (looking at me as if I have lost my damn mind) BUTT! I said BUTT!
TCWH: (puzzled) Butt?
DH: Butt. Does the fish food smell like butt?
TCWH: What?
TCWH: Actually, I thought it smelled a little like crotch rotch, but butt's okay, too. More wine?
*crotch rotch is a term coined in New Orleans in the early '90's by one Kathy S. Taken from the ever popular and oft used "crotch rot", or words used to explain what one contracts when catching the crabs, the clap, the syphillis or any other undesirable sexually transmitted disease, rot quickly became "rotch" when uttered after several Bloody Mary's at Bruno's one Thursday night, also known as "Ladies Night". Note: Crotch rotch can also be used to describe any state of genital unhygiene, as in: Jorge wears those sweat pants to bike 10 miles every day without washing them and without any underwear. He's got fierce crotch rotch! These are both true stories. Friday Night's ALL RIGHT FOR ME!
I've used the term crotch rot plenty of times when referring to certain people and their nasty dirty habits. :)
New Orleans, huh? I know just where Bruno's is, I am from N.O. I am now in Iraq and miss it (N.O. not Iraq). I ran across your site a couple of weeks ago and check it every once in a while for a good laugh. Actually, it is so incrediablely boring here in Iraq (nothing to do, no where to go) I read other people's blogs to live life vicariously through their blogs. How pathetic is that? I hope to go home to good old N.O. sometime early next year.