Call it a case of the blah(g)'s if you will.
For the most part, I go out of my way to avoid writing shite that could be construed as confrontational. Or overly opinionated. It could be argued that I am not being true to myself, and it is something I have considered often. Still consider. But I'm not here to fight or convince you that I am right by pounding you over the head with my eloquent verbiage. Or blacklist you. Or tell you to Fuck off. Or even "y'all come back now, ya hear?". You are an adult. You make your own choices, I hope. I'm not even here to make you think. For Fuck's Sake. I'm a teacher - I do that all day every other day, and quite frankly, by the time I get here, I'm worn out. Y'all are lucky I can spell.
So what has me in such a contemplative state?
Blog Explosion.
Ooh, lookit me. I am the (insert ridiculously large number here) th person to Blog about Blog Explosion. How original. I'm not here to be original every day. This is a place where I come to relax. And for the most part, I do. But I have to say that I think Blog Explosion has overstepped their boundaries by allowing members to see who rated them and what they rated them. Ah, TCWH, you're such a chick, you say. And I say, "I AM!" So yes, despite my "I am bitch, hear me roar" pretend personality, when people rate me a 6, it hurts my feelings. Just as it tickles me pink when somebody gives me a 10. Hurt feelings have many manifestations on our internet. Especially in the blogosphere. I don't think I have to mention specifics. I am sure at least one or all of us has been the victim/instigator of a little internet anger. It's harmless, right? No. It's not.
On my part, hurt feelings means a little more yoga. If I can contort my body into a better standing fish, Cassie will say "good job," and that 6 will become a 9. Maybe I'll try and write a little bit more wittily, fluently, with a little more talent. Ask dh for some validation. There are no repercussions for those no longer anonymous clickers, because I will go on blogging about whatever hops into my brain and amuses me.
On other's parts hurt feelings can mean mud slinging, anonymous commenting, group attacks, and loss. Loss of jobs, loss of friends, loss of respect. When I see events like this take place, I wonder what the fucking point of all of this is. And I think about stopping blogging. But what would be the point of that? One frustrated person giving up because she doesn't like the way things are going. Sounds like sour grapes to me.
Giving up blogging would be sad for me. I have encountered/stalked many wonderful people who I adore and am interested in and like to talk to because they are individuals and scintillating and stimulating and intimidating. Some I communicate with every day, some I never communicate with. But I appreciate them all, one and the same, because they give me peace. Do you think I'm talking about you? I am.
Do I agree with them all the time? Their politics? Their lifestyle choices? Their use of apostrophes? The way they treat their spouses? Their Halloween Costumes? No. But I don't rate them on it, either. I am there to listen without judgement (if they want me to) and be there whenever they need me and/or want me.
I think about what life would be like if we were rated in all our daily tasks. Sex. Toothbrushing. Teaching. Listening. Getting dressed. TV watching. Reading. Eating. Grammar. I think it would suck balls. And I completely realize that using expletives and resorting to filth detracts from my point, but it made me laugh when I typed it, so I am leaving it in. Think about it.
I realize that I am a hypocrite because I rated 2 blogs on BlogExplosion. One I gave a 10. The other one, a 7, I think, but in retrospect, who the hell am I to judge? I am just as imperfect as everyone else out there, and sometimes those imperfections seem too big to me. Most of you witnessed that on my blog this summer. Some of you were nice about it. Some of you weren't.
Oh, wait, I'm in the TOP 10 Rated BLOGS! EEE! Nevermind.
I'm just kidding. I have a point to make here. I don't think rating other's blogs vindictively or otherwise is a good thing. It just makes an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach like the time I ate the undercooked chicken in china (I KNOW! I am so Chickety-China of the Chinese Chicken) and had to poop in a very small cup in a very dirty squatting toilet bathroom with electrical wires hanging down and water on the floor to deargodplease make it GO AWAY.
So I guess I'll say to ya'll what I say to 7th graders when they tell me they're sexually active.
If you're going to do it, make sure that you're ready for the repercussions of your actions, whatever they might be. And be safe.
This is funny. I just went and checked mine. (I didn't know you could see).. All the dems give me 1's.. haha
Now I'm going to go cry because some idiot thinks my site is a one... and now I'll stop spamming your comments. :D
I can understand getting ones if you talk politics, especially these days, but I don't talk politics. I show pictures and talk a bit about what's going on in my life, and I still got people giving my very low scores in the beginning. After I had about 2 votes, I was only at a total of 1 star. What is that about? I mean, there's nothing on my blog that could possibly piss anyone off that much.
Their are some things that shoodnt be rated - I think blogs' are won of them. Some people go 'round and rate other peoples' blogs' low becase they want there blogs' to be hire then others'.
Oh well, what can you dew?
(Aside from annoying you with spelling and grammar errors?) =D
I gave you a 10! As a proud owner of a shitty blog, I've been a bit dismayed that my rating has crept up slightly. However, if anyone gives me a one I'm striking back!
And, I may key their car.
Comments are more fun than ratings anyway.
Dude, at least you got rated. I've never even gotten a bad rating, let alone a good one. Oh, and I've only been blogmarked twice. I've seen blogs that are nowhere near as interesting as mine (heh) get good ratings. Screw blog explosion.
I gave you a 10 Kristie. Since it look like the early ratings are all in chronological order I knew that the first two people gave me 1's. SO, what did I do? I left comments on their blogs thanking them for the 1 star. Then I gave them 10's. It's the Dem in me.
Every single person who has a blog has put time and creative energy into their blog.
To tear it down without reason or cause shows more about the person rating the blog than about the blog itself.
You have a great blog.
I think you have a fabulous blog, here. And I just may rate you a 10. :)
But, on that topic, I kinda think the ratings is a little silly, too...but only to give a poor rating. If you ask me, if the blog sucks that badly, just click on by.
I only rate the good ones...which is why I'll be rating yours.
Great post!
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