NOTE: I received these lovely socks from the wonderful Froggie thanks to Hip Momma's Sock Exchange and being my resourceful self (No, TCWH, NOT YOU!) have decided to not only showcase my spunky new traveling companions, but also to use them to emphasize the theme of my post. Which is: WHERE THE HELL DO I GO FROM HERE (and if you can't hear the panic and frustration in my voice, lean in a little closer damnit, because I GUAR UN TEE you that travels across oceans AND miles) ?
Mostly, (MOSTLY! NOT ALWAYS!) I've just been content to follow the wind. This place?
Complete Fluke. And yet, after looking at the last few months of my stint as a military wife, I find myself longing to get back to the islands. I think dh feels the same way. First, he wanted to move to Australia. I said "Okay." Well, it was more like, "Why the HELL not? I've always wanted to go there!" Researching it, I was unable to find a school that did not require a letter of reference from a PRIEST. And not just any priest. The dreaded YOUR PRIEST. Suffice it to say that dream went down the tubes.
Next, we focused our sights on Kwajalein. A tiny little blip in the sea. The problem, you ask? Or maybe you don't, but I'll damn well tell you. There is only one job that dh can apply for that is "accompanied". Me? There're NO jobs that I can apply for that are "accompanied". And dh and I, because we are so HOMER-IFFIC "S-M-R-T", decided that we could both get "unaccompanied" jobs and still live together in "accompanied" housing. NOT. SO. Because the entire island is run by our U.S. Government, two "unaccompanied" jobs = two "unaccompanied" dorm rooms. While the "sleepover" is definitely exciting and titillating at the beginning of a relationship, we are WAAAAAAAY (and I do mean FAAAAAAAR) past wanting to either live together in one dorm room or live between two.
"But TCWH" you say "What about your job?" Well, I'll tell you. I can only be here because of dh. Once he gets out, so do I. Now, I can apply to be the sponsor, but I can only apply AFTER June 13th - which means that we could wait ALL SUMMER to hear and hear nothing (and thus be stuck wherever dh gets spit out) , or we might (The ever elusive MIGHT) MIGHT get the call and get whisked off to Italy, Lajes, or *ahem* Korea. OR NOWHERE. Did I say that? At the risk of sounding too grown up, I can't say that is a chance I'm willing to take. We have payments. Child support, School loan, credit card - you know - fun ADULT stuff.
And what does dh want to do? Not what he's doing now, I'll tell you that. HE wants to get an edjumacashun. I, the supportive wife, think he's fully entitled to whatever he wants to do. He applied to a University in Nevada, but watching the weather, we realized it gets DAMN COLD there and changed our fickle little minds, leaving us with...
*gulp* Nothing. Plumb out of ideas.
To quote my favorite 21st Century Poet, "Where do we go now? Where do we go now? Where do we go? OOH AY AY AY. OH WHERE DO WE GO NOW? AIEEE AIEEE AIEEEE AIEEEE AIEEEE" etc. etc.
Don't ya just love the military and all their anal rules? This is one of many "what the fuck" stories I've heard about stuff like this and it makes me wonder how we are a Super Power.
Of course, I vote for Hawaii:)
I have to admit that is definitely one thing that kind of concerns me about hooking up with a guy who already has kids and having to kind of make decisions based upon them, too.
I say just come to Florida, LMAO nice and boring ;) I know, you don't want to and you just can't but you can't blame a girl for trying hehehe.
Decisions, decisions. Now Italy, that would rock. I have always wanted to go there. I am rambling at 3:30 am so I shall shut up now!