February 04, 2005
Neighbors: #4589

It is not often that I am rendered speechless by something. By anything. I mean, I'm not the one who stands in the back and makes incessantly unnecessary comments (Which reminds me of the time we were at this girl Kelly's wedding and this guy Dave, who she had slept with while she was "on a break" from her then husband was there. As her husband looked out over the crowd he said, "I see all your faces and I could tell a story about each and every one of you," and before he finished his remark Dave and his open bar self blurted out, "I've got a story for you ****", like the jackass that he was and we all told him to shut up. I mean it was her wedding day for the love of Pete. Who's Pete? We all know he put his flag on the top of that mountain. He was just stating the obvious. I'm not like that. Well, not often anyway.) , but ask me a question? I could probably throw some SAT words your way.

At some point when I wasn't looking, we got new neighbors upstairs. And they're not the pleasant kind like the lady kitty corner who, during the summer months, sings all the words to The Ketchup Song at the top of her voice and dances on the balcony. That I can deal with.

The new neighbors? That live directly above us? They either have embraced Pacaf's Fit to Fight Super Slogan so wholeheartedly that they never stop racing around the apartment, or they weigh a ton each and live with Bela Karolyi.

I can't say that I know which one it is, and at this point, I don't know if I really care. All I wish is that they would quit "movin' and shakin'" all around up there. While I have been know to exaggerate from time to time here at EBHT, THERE IS A CRACK IN OUR CEILING, Y'ALL. A CRACK. IN THE CEMENT. If it were in the bedroom, I might laugh a little and nudge dh and we'd giggle like two elementary school kids, but it's in the LIVING ROOM. WHERE THEY AEROBICIZE OR TUMBLE OR WHATEVER the hell it is that they do that shakes my lamps astray and terrorizes the fish and me and dh whenever we are sitting in here trying to enjoy a quiet evening together because we all are terrified that that big ole crack is going to split and the plaster will fall on our heads because it is that cramped and then we will die without having any kids so I'll never know what they'll look like.

Hearing them run around makes me feel like an animal hunter off in the bush. Quick! Where's my tranquilizer gun? If they break my lamp? I'm crackin' skulls.

Alex | 07:00 PM |


Okay, this is what I would do. I'd get some white chalk (which you can get easily) and crush it into a powder. Then take the crushed powder and sprinkle some of it on your hair and clothes. Oh, make sure what you're wearing is black, so the chalk stands out more. Then go upstairs and knock on their door and ask them nicely to be a little more light-footed around their place, because some of the ceiling came down on you. They'll see the chalk on you and they'll hopefully get scared.

Okay, you might be asking yourself, why can I use flour? It's more fun when you have to crush something.

comment by marvo at 09:09 PM on 02.04.05 [ link ]

They might be "doing it" in the living room. You never know.

(I do not like using euphemisms like "doing it", because I think it sounds stupid, but your comment spammer detector thingy won't let me type in the other word.)

comment by Gloria at 10:03 PM on 02.04.05 [ link ]

Merry UN-birthday to you, Alex!! I hope you enjoy it.

And I -adore- the artwork at the top of this site. Did you do that?

comment by Claire at 11:19 PM on 02.04.05 [ link ]

I feel your pain. We don't have an upstairs neighbor, but I have a sneaking suspicion that our 1st level ceiling/2nd level floor are made of tissue paper because everytime the kiddo moves upstairs it's like a herd of elephants.

Happy Un-Birthday dear TCWH! Thanks for kicking off the game. :)

comment by noodge at 12:27 AM on 02.05.05 [ link ]

Since you started it, Happy Un-Birthday to you TCWH!!

comment by averagejoe at 12:41 AM on 02.05.05 [ link ]

Just stopped in to visit...my first time and say Happy Un-Birthday!

Great graphics, very cool site!

comment by Rainbow-Bright at 01:47 AM on 02.05.05 [ link ]

Um...correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this EBHI and not EBHT? :-)

comment by Howard at 04:30 AM on 02.05.05 [ link ]

Sorry, but you can't have an un-Birthday until you are 39+ so have a drink and notice the beauty all around you!

comment by surf at 07:46 AM on 02.05.05 [ link ]
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