April 28, 2005
All Zipped Up


I think the universe likes to play jokes at times. Not too cruel. I'm not emotionally scarred for life, but I think somebody is getting a good laugh over my itchy fidgets. I am assuming (yes, yes, ass out of me, ass out of you. Let's face it together: Somebody's an ass, and it probably isn't you) that this happens to everyone at some point. I am only subjected to the "happily ever after" because I am confined to this base. And see the same people over and over and over. Not complaining, mind you. Merely stating.

So, I was staring at this guy's crotch the other day. Well, damn if I wasn't entitled to it. Have you seen those new zippers? They have a piece of cloth that is the equivalent of a nautical flag hanging off the front. The result, friends, Romans, and countrymen, is that it looks like the zipper is at half mast. Trying to determine if I could get my girl scout points of the day by saying "XYZ!" I was really concentrating on his nether regions. Scowling, I'm sure. As I realized that this looked perhaps a bit abnormal, Ooooh, you think?, I glanced up to see him staring at me. With amusement. The "Yeah, that chick TOTALLY wants me" smirk. FANTABULOUS! No harm, no foul. I shrug and walk away.

Imagine my delight and surprise when I see him at the gym the following morning. I see him spot me, and nudge his friend. I tell dh "That guy? That's the ONE who thought I was staring at his crotch." He reminds me that I was, in fact, staring. At his crotch. But I hold that it doesn't count. It wasn't for sex! It was for community service! Because that makes it so much better. Like I can wear it on a t-shirt and explain myself.

I later figured out that the gentleman with the extremely obvious crotch attention drawing to zipper is the father of a girl at my school. He smiles very bigly at me whenever he sees me in the halls. Somewhere, somebody is laughing.

Who invented those damn zippers, anyway? Probably the same person who invented women's garments with words on the ass. It jiggles enough as it is. I don't need a quantitative "juicy" confirming it, thank you. More importantly, why draw ATTENTION to your crotch? Is it so people won't look at your face?

Alex | 08:14 PM |


LOL, that is so funny.

You know what's worse than words on a girl's butt? When her pants are so tight, she has camel toes. Ewwwww!!!!

comment by dl at 09:59 PM on 04.28.05 [ link ]

Haaa, that reminds me - have you ever seen the old version of "Romeo and Juliet", the one with Elizabeth Taylor? Their little codpieces, or whatever they were, were multicoloured, and it was a group of prepubescent girls could do to not point and laugh whilst watching the movie.

comment by Gloria at 11:08 PM on 04.28.05 [ link ]


comment by zee at 01:54 AM on 04.29.05 [ link ]

you write the way I think... and you make me laugh in the process. Love the site. Love your style. Will be back.

comment by Flossie at 08:01 AM on 04.29.05 [ link ]

"Somewhere, somebody is laughing."

... and that somebody is me.

comment by Brian at 11:06 AM on 04.29.05 [ link ]

Hahaha, I can so picture you sitting there with a perplexed expression trying to figure out his crotch dilemma or lack there of.

I am sure you made his day ;)

comment by Chrissie at 03:11 PM on 04.29.05 [ link ]

Heee! I hate when I got crotch looking!

comment by Rori at 11:50 AM on 04.30.05 [ link ]

I've never seen those zippers, but I think they're specifically used for crotch-staring. Have you ever seen The Office? The idiot main character told this chick he just met up with for the first time from a dating service that women wear necklaces to draw attention to their breasts. She's like "uh, my dead mother gave this to me. Can we please not talk about her and breasts?" hehe

comment by Becky at 07:16 AM on 05.01.05 [ link ]

It seems that the amount of embarrassment in your life is directly proportional to the likelihood of the subject of embarrassment being a parent where you teach. Karma!

comment by Surfcat at 04:34 AM on 05.04.05 [ link ]

At least he wasn't wearing short, flimsy, "fuck me" running shorts and sitting in front of you with his legs spread open so you can see his two best friends.

comment by Toni at 05:45 AM on 05.07.05 [ link ]
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