May 02, 2005
Monday Madness

Sorry so quiet over here. I have a particularly hard time blogging if I am feeling ashamed about my actions. I always like to try and put my best foot forward, and that's not always possible - especially when I decided I would fall off the wagon. At a friend's birthday. Particularly if there are parents of your students there. Particularly if female parent abhors me for seemingly no reason at all and I feel insecure and uncomfortable about it. Particularly if I try to rectify situation with family by getting throwing up-ingly drunk and telling male parent I think he is unfair to his children. Takes talent to do something that jack-assish, No? I couldn't eat all weekend, thinking he would file a complaint on Monday. He didn't. But I was still so worked up about it I didn't sleep for two nights straight. I love guilt so much I should be (insert religion here).

I also instigated a fight between another couple. Everyone together: YAY, TCWH! The male of the species said it was because I did something I didn't, but I suspect that particular couple fought because the boy does not know how to keep a leash on himself. He made various remarks about my choice of make-up/perfume. I told his wife what products I used so she could have them, too. The defensive part of me is angry because I didn't treat him any differently than I treat any of my friends' husbands. If he wants to walk around without his ring complimenting women he's just met, that's his own damn fault.

Realistically, I take responsibility for my actions, but I know I have an ugly, ugly habit. Who the hell talks to a parent when they are so drunk they don't remember what the hell they said? Me. Who the hell imagines that they said the worst thing ever (insert worst thing ever) to said parent that is so bad so they can get fired? Me. I cripple myself over things like this. I didn't want to leave the house. Dh firmly said, "You're not going to cry and hide in the house over something like this, Alex," so I didn't. And today I went and told my boss what happened in case said parent complains. My principal? Said most likely nothing would come of it.

I know it's not as exciting as getting fired from work for your blog, but it's what I've got.

You know what makes me the biggest hypocrite? I told another friend not to drown her sorrows in the bottle. I wasn't drowning, but I was HYPER AWARE of stare of death coming from female parent, and I wanted the shield. Liquid courage? Turns out to be liquid stupidity for me. I don't even want to admit that I thought to myself "Set a limit, set a limit, set a limit!" and then just completely ignored myself because I am stupid. I hope I learn something this time.

Better luck next time.

Alex | 04:51 PM |


We have all done incredibly stupid things, I have myself. Take heart, don't let it get to you, it could have been a lot worse.

Yeah, I guess that's easy for me to say, not so easy to do. I would probably dwell on it too.


comment by dl at 09:18 PM on 05.02.05 [ link ]

Aww! Don't worry, we've all been there.

comment by Gloria at 10:23 PM on 05.02.05 [ link ]

Hey, *I* wouldn't have had the guts to have that conversation with my boss...that's got to be worth something!!

comment by CAD Monkey at 03:51 AM on 05.03.05 [ link ]

Chalk it up to experience and put it behind you. Besides, you're moving, right?

comment by RP at 03:52 AM on 05.03.05 [ link ]

The good news is that I once heard that whatever happens when Japanese people are drunk stays wherever it happened.

comment by Willful Exposé at 11:20 AM on 05.03.05 [ link ]

((HUGS)) At least you had the courage to let your principal know.

comment by Angela at 03:52 PM on 05.03.05 [ link ]

You are completely normal. And you're kind - don't worry about the rest.

comment by Surfcat at 04:38 AM on 05.04.05 [ link ]

jesus. stop beating yourself up! we all get loaded ever now and then, make asses of ourselves, etc. it's part of the human condition.

comment by hopalongcassidy at 04:38 AM on 05.07.05 [ link ]


comment by Rae at 11:28 PM on 05.15.05 [ link ]
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