June 02, 2004
House Issues


I'm about to lay the smack down on my apartment. I think she's a girl, and we are definitely having some issues up in here. First of all? I know I haven't been working out lately, but my clothes still fit, so you know I'm not blowing up like the motherfucking good year blimp or anything, but my apartment, she has taken to rattling the furniture every time I walk from the dining room to the kitchen. Yeah, we'll see who's boss, bitch.

Don't even get me started on the kitchen light bulbs. Remember all those stories you heard about coke bottles stuck in NO NO orifices? That had to be removed by a professional? That hard to get out. JUST GIVE UP THE FUCKING LIGHTBULB! I'll bring you two shiny new ones. I'm just damn stubborn enough to eat in the dark, but seeing that I can't see shit, like when I spill or what the hell can I'm opening, I've had beanie weens and baby corn the last two nights in a row. No, not really, but I'm just sayin'. It seems the whole damn base is in on the get TCWH off her all ploy. Witness:

1.) Lights go out.
2.) TCWH inquires of neighbor what to do. Neighbor says, "Call maintenance."
3.) TCWH thinks better of it and calls AT's husband.
4.) He laughs and says, "Go to self-help."
5.) TCWH sits in dark and eats crappy dinner.
6.) Today, after school, TCWH goes to self help.
7.) Self help say, "We have lightbulbs. Bring in your old ones."
8.) TCWH picks up orders, faxes teaching certificate application, and mails disgustingly heavy boxes to dh, then comes home and attacks lightbulbs.
9.) On the way to kitchen, FUCKING! FURNITURE! RATTLES! ARGH! TCWH screams: I'm not going to have time to exercise if you keep breaking shit! Who are you? Limp Biscuit?!"
10.) TCWH stands on chair. TCWH holds breath, as chair is also government issued and therefore in cahoots with the evil apartment bitch. TCWH fiddles with lights.
12.) TCWH contemplates another night of darkness and dinner.
13.) And curses.
14.) And gets her ultimate revenge by BLOGGING about it.


Alex | 05:41 PM |


Do you have days like that too? If you figure out how to get your lighting appliances and your furniture to comply with your wishes, could you please email me immediately and let me know? In addition, if you can figure out how to make the pots and pans clean themselves, that would be helpful.

Best wishes to DH. Hope you get to hear from him again soon.

comment by Rose at 11:44 PM on 06.02.04 [ link ]

Ahahah the life in military housing..
as long as YOUR house does not start talking to MINE we're ok.
If I find a secret blog from your house with mine commenting we're going to have issues.

comment by rachel at 12:38 AM on 06.03.04 [ link ]


I STILL have not figured the damn thing out. MMB says the light fixtures should just snap out, but I'm not seeing any of that happening. Nor are the pots and pans moving. Darn IT!

comment by ALEX at 05:52 AM on 06.03.04 [ link ]


I am POSITIVE the blog already exists; my house is that much of a bitch! :) I don't know if your house is commenting. We'll have to wait and see. In the meantime, I'm going to do something. Haven't figured out what yet, but something!

comment by ALEX at 05:53 AM on 06.03.04 [ link ]
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