June 02, 2004
Uh Oh

Apparently, it is not a good time to be me. I stopped by MMB's work and thought, "Hmm, let's us girls go out to dinner!" She said yes, and I thought I would give my self some highlights in between. I used the Herbal Essences, and ended up with one big fat ugly skunk stripe down my head. Cuz I wasn't following directions, you know. And so, my golden blonde hair is NOW YELLOW. Banana YELLOW. And I knew it, too! I knew that I should not have picked up that damn oval box (is there such a thing?) when I could get it done in the States and not risk embarrassing myself in front of God and everybody. I shared my woe with dh, and he ordered that I send him some pics. So I thought I would let y'all get a bite, too. Why the hell not? I might take 'em down, but I'm feeling just that damn vain. Don't say I never gave you anything. Here we go! These are all of me, so, if you don't want to see somebody with way too much time on her hands? Don't look. Oh yeah, my blog, my stuff. I took these all for dh and thought I'd get a laugh. Not in the mood for a laugh? Don't look.

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Alex | 11:33 PM |


If it's any consolation, I don't really see a skunk streak... but I also don't see your hair every single day, so there ya go.

I do, however, love the idea of pictures of you and wanted to remind you how amazingly cute you are!

C'mon, pucker up, give us a little smooch... what? It's time for my pill? 'Scuse me, gotta go get psychotropically medicated.

comment by Rose at 11:41 PM on 06.02.04 [ link ]

You're so crazy Alex. Those are great pictures. I also don't see a stripe.
I use that box myself... um.. and give myself highlights (when I get around to it).. I just cant justify paying 70 bucks on something I can do myself for 16 (and I do a very good job)... *shrug*

comment by rachel at 12:40 AM on 06.03.04 [ link ]

Your hair just looks blonde on my screen...not bad at all.

comment by Kristie at 02:51 AM on 06.03.04 [ link ]

Don't worry, Mrs. Le Peu, no one can see the stripe.

comment by Howard at 04:33 AM on 06.03.04 [ link ]


I forgot to add that I had to don a hat, drive to the stinkin' BX, get two more boxes, and even the whole thing out! That's why my hair is day glo!

comment by ALEX at 05:49 AM on 06.03.04 [ link ]


There was a big ass stripe! I had to even it out by doing the whole head. It cost me about 27 bucks. It was so bad I had to wear a hat to the BX and everything!

comment by ALEX at 05:50 AM on 06.03.04 [ link ]


NOW it looks normal. I didn't take before pics! I'm too damn vain! :)

comment by ALEX at 05:51 AM on 06.03.04 [ link ]


Now you can't! I'm lucky that MMB took the time to make me dinner AND even the damn thing out! :)

comment by ALEX at 05:51 AM on 06.03.04 [ link ]

i don't see anything wrong with your hair... wait, that's what i'm supposed to be looking at, right?

comment by mikey at 09:06 AM on 06.03.04 [ link ]

Your hair looks great! Now seriously, how can the furniture rattle with a tiny little thing like you walking by? I think the furniture rattles in admiration...

Very cool - this looks like a modern day photo booth strip at the mall!

comment by Surfcat at 11:50 PM on 06.03.04 [ link ]

I'm with Surfcat - the hair looks great.

comment by Simon at 01:01 PM on 06.08.04 [ link ]
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