November 15, 2004
Just for you! Japan's Jackass of the Day.


Unless you live under a rock, I am sure you have some inkling of how to deal with people. Most of us do it with a modicum of kindness and go about our general duties. I appreciate that. My life was made a little bit easier when my neighbor held my elevator doors open, thus stopping me from being squished to a shrinky dink between the psychotically quickly closing doors. (The elevator, she has issues. Maybe she feels violated and doesn't want just anyone alighting. I don't know. I'm not a fucking psychologist.)

While I have been known to be unreasonably bitchy from time to time, I am not a jackass. If I see you coming, I'll hold the door. If I see you trip, I'll help you up. I may laugh my ass off, but I'll offer a helping hand. If I see your wife having sex with my old college roommate, I'll get really drunk and tell you about it at your 3rd anniversary party, but only after her parents and your parents are gone and the kids are asleep. See how nice I am?

And to think that I have been foolish enough to think that most of us are polite enough to conduct ourselves in like manners. Silly me! Which brings us to YOU (pointing all 8 fingers and two thumbs at JACKASS OF THE DAY) . C'mere. Don't hide. Tell us your scintillating tale, we're listening, really. Yes, my eyes are naturally this shade of "whothefuckdoyouthinkyouare?"

Seems that we have someone better than everybody else on Yokota Air Force Base. Somebody who thinks that his (JACKASS!) parking privileges are so superior that he (BIG! JACKASS!) can tell people to and I quote, "Get the fuck out of my way!" before backing into a public parking space. Apparently the reserved sign that he (JACKASS! GIGANTE!) sees is invisible to the rest of us. Not only does this troglodyte bless all of us peons with his (ASS! OF JACK!) erudite verbal warning, he (JACK! ASS! HOLE!) then proceeds to provide our (what he must interpret as an obviously mentally stunted) community with a visual of what "get the fuck out of my way!" means by damn near running over my husband. Jackass didn't even slow down.

Listen up buddy and get in here real close like, because some people actually think that I am sane enough to work with their five year olds, and I have a sparkly military spouse and spotless kindergarten teacher reputation to uphold. I just got my husband back from the desert. If you attempt to run over my husband again? If you tell him to get the fuck out of your way again? If you look at him again? If I so much as hear you mention him over a beer with your drinking buddies at the club? I'll park my car in your spot. By car, I mean my foot. And by your spot, I mean your ass. Are we clear?

When I think about all the times in these past two years I have verbally ranted, raved, and spit on the middle schoolers asking them "Why on God's Green Earth they think it is proper to treat their peers like this," and by "like this" I mean, like shit, I need only look to this shining military man as a stellar example of all that is good and right in this world.

Wear your Jackass of the Day award proudly. You earned it.

Alex | 01:41 PM |


My Dad was a Chief when he confronted a 1st Lt. after said zit magnet had nearly run me over on the road that the NCO and O-club shared going out to the beach at Eglin AFB. In this guy's mind it was okay for an officer to drive on the wrong side of the road after six beers nearly hitting a 13-yr. old NCO dependent because he was shouting obscenities at me the entire time. There's always the guy's CO to talk to if you ever want to pursue it.

comment by Rob at 02:05 PM on 11.15.04 [ link ]

"Not only does this troglodyte bless all of us peons with his (ASS! OF JACK!) erudite verbal warning..."
That is like the best sentence I have read in a week, it's good to know there are other literate people in the world!

comment by Conquistador at 04:15 PM on 11.15.04 [ link ]

Oh fuck em all. When some pimply faced Staff Sgt. tries to pull rank on me (cuz of my husband) I just laugh at them... if it's pursued I'll just explain to them that my father outranks everyone on this base other than the base commander and does he have anything else to say to me? Fucking fucktards... When I'm having a bad day I live for people like these so I can reduce them to mere splats on the ground. Why do they think they're so special? Is it the six weeks of bootcamp? Big fucking deal... Ok I promised you I'd be happy.. so.. all together now..

ps.. why didn't you just go fucking cuss him out?

comment by rachel at 05:32 PM on 11.15.04 [ link ]

It's too bad you didn't have a box of tacks or something that you could've sprinkled around the tires of his beloved car - or does that only work in cartoons? I'm not sure.

comment by jacinthe at 10:34 PM on 11.15.04 [ link ]

Some people should just have Jack Ass stamped on their foreheads as warning for the rest of us.

comment by dl at 11:58 PM on 11.15.04 [ link ]

Too cute. Do you read my mind sometimes? lol. Going to add you to my links, I love this place. :-)

comment by Dariana at 02:45 AM on 11.16.04 [ link ]


*note to self... never get on Alex's bad side...*

comment by zee at 03:01 AM on 11.16.04 [ link ]

I hope you gave him the one finger salute in the best TCWH tradition:)LOL

comment by Don at 03:37 AM on 11.16.04 [ link ]

You could MAKE a "JackAss Parking Only" sign for his spot. teehee

comment by Angela at 04:12 AM on 11.16.04 [ link ]

I'm trying to read between the lines, but...I'm not sure that I get the point... :-)

comment by surfcat at 05:02 AM on 11.16.04 [ link ]

What goes around comes around. Just keep telling yourself that. When the dickholes of the world who think they're above reproach can't get their own lives in order and feel like they have to annoy YOU to make themselves feel better, you should take pride in knowing that you don't HAVE to do shit like that.

It doesn't matter how many stripes you have or how much money you have or what kind of car you drive or where you think you come from, it's all about being a good person. At the end of the day there's a right thing and a wrong thing. Do the right thing, have a good life. Do the wrong thing, feel like a piece of shit.

And that should be the greatest revenge.

And then, if it's NOT the greatest revenge or they keep pissing in your soup, THEN you go to their CO.

comment by Rose at 10:28 PM on 11.16.04 [ link ]

Okay, this totally cracked me up. And the whole Ass! of! Jack! -- priceless. (And boy, I'd sure hate to cross you.) (Grin)

comment by toni at 04:56 PM on 11.17.04 [ link ]
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