November 30, 2004
I Like Sex AND Candy

I know, I know I ALREADY used this picture. What can I say, it's a classic. Well, a TCWH classic, anyway. Who makes Boobie Chocolate? Japanese people make boobie chocolate! That was a story from another day, though. Onward, onward, wearily onward.

I was watching Trading Spouses last night. I don't know what the hell got into me. I could've been doing a million other *productive* things, but there I was, glued to the set. Staring in fascination at the Jewish family tolerating the Christian lady and the Christian family twinkling all over the Jewish lady. At first I was mortified how UNOPEN the people were to change. I mean, why go on the show? And then I thought "GREED! AVARICE! MONEY!" Sure, Bob, I'll be a total bitch for a week on TV for 50 grand. Momma needs some new sparkly underthings! Not my point.

Imagine my delight when the Christian Mother begins talking with the Jewish Father about broaching the topic of sex with their quickly ripening girls (Yeah, yeah, I know you all saw this episode before. I get my tv 3 weeks late. Leave me alone, okay?) . She said that he should take a candy bar, and while discussing their virginity/purity vs. having sex, pass the candy bar around from person to person - she even said you should squash it and wipe your nose on your hands while touching it! - all the while mentioning....ummm, mentioning...I don't know! I was so horrified by this woman's analogy, I couldn't even hear her words. All I could hear was: "Hold up the new candy bar. Say 'Do you want to give your husband this? or THIS?' while you hold up the squashed, gross candy bar."

Has this woman lost her cotton picking mind? There are things wrong with her example on so many levels, I can't get past the fact that she wants to wipe her nose on a candy bar and equate that to premarital sex. I'd make a quick and dirty about "with or without nuts", but I can't think that fast.

Primarily, I don't think it is her place to impose these kinds of visuals on children. If you're going to teach abstinence, there are better ways to do it than making your children feel DIRTY and USED. Fuck. She should just play "Like a Virgin" and do an Andy Kaufman a la Mighty Mouse lip-synching ONLY "Shiny!" and "New!"

I'm no raging feminist, but why "Your husband?" Why not "Your wife?" "Your partner?" "Your mate?" I have problems with religions that say the woman should be submissive to the man. Women like this give me the hives. I once had a friend tell me that it was the woman's responsibility to make sure that the man did not lust after her by dressing in a manner that could be interpreted as "sexy", as she eyed me disdainfully. I untucked my turtleneck from my ankle length skirt, pulled it up, and jiggled my Itty Bitty Titty Committee's two inches from her face. Sexy is as sexy does.

Furthermore, how can she equate sex to a candy bar? Are you making an emotional commitment when you peel that wrapper off your Mr. GoodBar?

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Alex | 02:11 PM |


I agree with you completely. That woman will give any children of hers nothing but sexual stigmas to overcome. The girls will get enough of the "candy bar" message from society alone.
Plus, isn't a candy bar kind of phallic? How about a cinnibun or something? A hollowed out one? If you're going to be repuslive, mideval, and freaky...
PS: Sorry about the weird URL each time, but "se DOT com" in its original form sets off your spaminator.

comment by Willful Exposé at 02:21 PM on 11.30.04 [ link ]

Never seen the show - only reality tv I am obsessed with is Apprentice ;) I am so glad now that I haven't seen this one.. good god.

I just don't get people - truly. The truth about sex/stds/pregnancy are scary *enough* without some crazy analogy attached to it.

comment by chrissie at 02:28 PM on 11.30.04 [ link ]

Willie just email that person.. they'll fix it.. it catches alot too..

Alex: You're going straight to hell you sinner... I'll see you there.. whoever gets there last bring some beer please. Thanks.

comment by rachel at 03:31 PM on 11.30.04 [ link ]

i have a feeling that my next candy bar will somehow give me an orgasm.

comment by mikey at 03:57 PM on 11.30.04 [ link ]

I want candy now. :S

I think my mom did a pretty good job about explaining sex and encouraging us all to wait... even my brothers. She was just HONEST with us about it. Sheesh. The must think kids are really stupid these days.

comment by Angela at 06:30 PM on 11.30.04 [ link ]

A candy bar? She couldn't come up with a better analogy? Like... well... hmm, you know, I don't know.

My parents never had the sex talk with me. Oh wait, my mom tried when I was like 20 (HAH! TOO LATE!), saying that I should make sure I was really in love (read: that the guy was going to propose) before I had sex with him. Oops. Oh well. But what sort of fun is that?

comment by jacinthe at 09:55 PM on 11.30.04 [ link ]

Each and every time I think I've heard everything, I hear something like this and have to completely redefine the word moron.

And here I thought that my wife was dressing sexy so that I *will* look at her lustfully. Kind of thought that was the damned point of a healthy sex life.

comment by Rob at 03:23 AM on 12.01.04 [ link ]

Give me a squashed, used candy bar anytime. Those pristine, never-been-touched candy bars are too hard to open.

comment by Howard at 08:03 AM on 12.01.04 [ link ]

She's not teaching abstinence, she's teaching her own guilt and shame...

comment by Professor Batty at 12:37 PM on 12.01.04 [ link ]

I remember my mom's "sex talk". Being a Catholic, all she said to me was, "Don't. It's a sin. It hurts. Blah blah blah...." I did find out eventually that it does kinda hurt, but in a good way ;)

comment by Toni at 01:55 PM on 12.01.04 [ link ]

Jeez. I always thought about it like this- do 'they' HONESTLY expect me to WAIT until I am 30 or 32 to have sex? 'Cause dammit, I'm not getting married 'til at least that age. By then, I imagine I'll be prepared to make the best possible choice, after reviewing many options.
Besides, I wonder if that woman would give the same speech if the kids were boys instead of girls- doubtful.

comment by Claire at 04:28 AM on 12.03.04 [ link ]

There is no great genius without some touch of madness.

comment by penis enlargement at 05:05 PM on 02.25.05 [ link ]

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comment by click here at 05:23 PM on 03.12.05 [ link ]

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comment by watch moi at 06:49 AM on 03.17.05 [ link ]
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