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Doin' the time to get the dime. Her Momma did NOT raise her to drink cheap champagne.

April 01, 2004

1:00:01pm. Thursday Afternoon

champ.JPG Do you know where your FELLOW MUNUVANIAN is at 1:00:01? This is where I was. So it's not Dom Perignon, but what can I say? I'm not making that much money. I can't afford it. Korbel has *bubbles*, so I'm not complaining! Shit, lately I haven't been against drinking sprite mixed with beer. (pulls you aside a little too roughly...BUT I will never admit to that in public, so let's just keep that between us? Shall we? lets you go, smooths your shirt, shoots you a smile. Excuse me. Where are my manners?)

I just don't think y'all understand how BAD the kids were today.
(In Unison) How bad, TCWH?
They are so bad, that I have considered inviting all the couples with no children in for a sit down lunch and spiking their drinks with birth control. Any sort will do. Perhaps I will just invite them over for a birthday party and a drink and let the little monsters run around out of control. I love children as much as the next person, but 27 little people (how PC of you, TCWH! Why thank you! Champagne = liquid southern accent and *manners*) 9 of whom need extra help is too much. 15 is an acceptable number. Excuse me. I will step off my teacher's podium. Not that I belong on that damn thing anyway.

Know why I love D.H.? Because he says stuff like this:
About Marky Mark in Rockstar:
DH: So, what, is he trying to be Dirk Diggler in every movie now?
TCWH: What do you mean?
DH: Listen to his intonation. It is all breathy, like he is trying to sound dumb.
TCWH: Like this (insert me doing the Peanuts adult WAH WAH WAH with dadadadda's)?
DH: Exactly.
TCWH: I see what you mean.

All communications between men and women should be this easy. Or should I say painless? In fact, I believe I will start incorporating it into the classroom in the form of a puppet show.

Good LORD I am boring the piss out of myself! Back to my drinking! Simon, I am sorry if I am not living up to your expectations. Worry. Worry. Give me a week. I'll be right as rain. Or right as champagne!

(PSST. What's the spoon in the top of the bottle for, TCWH?) It keeps the bubbles in. And you don't have to pay for one of those expensive thingamajiggy's that I don't know how to say in Japanese.

Champage. M'mmm M'mm Good. Come over and have a glass! Or bottle!

by Alex at 08:18 AM | Comments (9) | TrackBack (1)
» Beyond the Black Hole links with: What smells like tuna in here?
on April 1, 2004 02:35 PM Ted said:

And once you finish the champagne, you can use the bottle to teach Simon some patience, right upside his skull. :D

on April 1, 2004 05:27 PM SuRfCaT said:

This BLOG is looking great!

Content is still fun too!

I am treating my spring fever by golfing for the first time this year! It is supposed to be 74F today. Should be perfect

on April 1, 2004 05:58 PM Madfish Willie said:

Ms Alex: Front page is done. I took a few liberties with your previous design. If you see something you don't like or want to change back, just let me know. Take a look at the sidebar and let me know what you want to re-order, delete, whatever. My suggestions: Take out the top two boxes, move the archives down, move your blog links up. Those are just personal prefereneces for me; I'll do whatever you want to do - it's your gig.

I'll start working on the comments & trackbacks later today. Then I'll work over the archives to give them some color. Question: Do you want your sidebar on your archive pages? I thinks it's a good idea, especially on your individual archive. When someone links over from a trackback, they will get a better "feel" for your site and may click through to your home page.

on April 1, 2004 06:57 PM Madfish Willie said:

Ms Alex: I added an image for Pixy as host and I added youto my Coner of The Bar Babes "gang". I'll add you to that group over at my site tonight... so you get two links from Madfish Willie's. WooHoo!

on April 1, 2004 07:03 PM Madfish Willie said:

FYI: I set your main page up to always display the 25 lastest posts. This setting will prevent you from ever having a blank page. The Recent Entries will list the 10 posts that just went off the page - I don't like to list entries that are on the page as all you need to do is scroll down and read.

on April 1, 2004 11:13 PM Alex said:


I'd have to make quite a trip to get that close to Simon, but would love any excuse to visit Hong Kong, violent or not!

on April 1, 2004 11:14 PM Alex said:


I'm glad you like the revamped look! I am also glad you still think the content is fun. After working with the kids all day, I think I have all the "FUN" sucked right out of me!

on April 2, 2004 01:35 AM Madfish Willie said:

Comments templates are all done. The defualt templates wre screwed up (not your fault) and it took me three hours to figure it out and get it straightened out. The trackback template has a little funkydo thingy it that I need to isolate, but I'll do that the last thing.

I'll do the archives tomorrow evening.

See ya tomorrow!

on April 2, 2004 01:44 AM Simon said:

I'll take champagne from Alex however I can get it. I'm not fussed.

Alex, you're doing great; compared to my drivel this is Nobel Prize stuff. And Madfish has worked wonders with it - it looks just the same but a bit different.

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