var HOST = ''; // Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Athenia Associates. // // License is granted if and only if this entire // copyright notice is included. By Tomer Shiran. function setCookie (name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) { var curCookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ((expires) ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "") + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") + ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") + ((secure) ? "; secure" : ""); document.cookie = curCookie; } function getCookie (name) { var prefix = name + '='; var c = document.cookie; var nullstring = ''; var cookieStartIndex = c.indexOf(prefix); if (cookieStartIndex == -1) return nullstring; var cookieEndIndex = c.indexOf(";", cookieStartIndex + prefix.length); if (cookieEndIndex == -1) cookieEndIndex = c.length; return unescape(c.substring(cookieStartIndex + prefix.length, cookieEndIndex)); } function deleteCookie (name, path, domain) { if (getCookie(name)) document.cookie = name + "=" + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") + ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") + "; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT"; } function fixDate (date) { var base = new Date(0); var skew = base.getTime(); if (skew > 0) date.setTime(date.getTime() - skew); } function rememberMe (f) { var now = new Date(); fixDate(now); now.setTime(now.getTime() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); setCookie('mtcmtauth',, now, '', HOST, ''); setCookie('mtcmtmail',, now, '', HOST, ''); setCookie('mtcmthome', f.url.value, now, '', HOST, ''); } function forgetMe (f) { deleteCookie('mtcmtmail', '', HOST); deleteCookie('mtcmthome', '', HOST); deleteCookie('mtcmtauth', '', HOST); = ''; = ''; f.url.value = ''; } //-->
Doin' the time to get the dime. Her Momma did NOT raise her to drink cheap champagne.

May 11, 2004

TCWH Pointers: 3943

Just because I care?

Pointer # 3943. If you slice your finger open peeling the foil off a cheap bottle of wine because you can't pour yourself a glass fast enough after attending a high school art show where HORNY! LITTLE! GIRLS! with pussy galore (Thank you, James Bond!) and cleavage abound! stare at your husband and lick their chops, drive your ass over to the Betty Ford, baby, GOD/ALLAH/THE CREATOR/THE DALAI LAMA (insert your supreme being here) is telling you not to drink. I've got a room. (Insert bad singing here.) Just the two of us. Building castles in the sky. Just the two of us, we can make it if we try! Just the two of and I!

on May 12, 2004 05:38 AM Howard said:

Pointer #3943...Hmm...That looks kinda familiar. :)

on May 12, 2004 08:21 AM jacinthe said:

No, my supreme being would never tell me not to drink. That's just an impossibility.

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