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Doin' the time to get the dime. Her Momma did NOT raise her to drink cheap champagne.

May 01, 2004


Your absence wears on me
An itchy green sweater
That looks better than it feels
Gets under my skin
Like fear.
Creeps up on me
In the night
Edited to Add: (Like cheap underwear)

Apparently, I've taken to writing lame ass poetry. You can say it's lame ass, because if there's anything that annoys me, it's when people put their SHITTASTIC poetry on the web and say LOOK! AT! ME! THIS! IS! GREAT! Being the horrible bitch that I have been as of late, I really want to write back and say, "Your poetry? It sucks. I'm just telling you." While I have been known to make exceptions for angst-ridden teens and those of you standing there with your hearts in millions of tiny pieces, I'm over it. In my mind, it's the literary equivalent of having a booger in your nose. Here's a motherfucking tissue. Now blow, damn you, blow!

by Alex at 09:06 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (1)
» rachel links with: FRIIIIIIDAY!
on May 1, 2004 10:48 AM rachel said:

I will watch South Park
All weekend and drink cheap beer
And maybe get laid..

how's that for a haiku?!

on May 2, 2004 12:17 AM rachel said:

Alex, go check out this link

I thought of you when I read it. I think you'd make an excellent candidate. :)

on May 2, 2004 10:04 AM Alex. said:


I would love to have a Blog design by Blogmoxie, but I think you don't have to have a home to enter. I saw this too, and was like, WOW! I wish I didn't blog yet! I think the girls' designs rock. Thanks for thinking of me!

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