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Doin' the time to get the dime. Her Momma did NOT raise her to drink cheap champagne.

April 17, 2004

On Glass


Half Empty? Half Full. Half Empty? Half Full.

These are the things I am free to do. Half full! Half full!

I may eat potato chips dipped in spaghetti sauce accompanied by banana peppers with Ferrero Rocher Chocolate for dessert for 21 days in a row.

I may sprawl across the entire bed and sleep on top of all the pillows and all the covers.

I may play the Indigo Girls and other unappreciated CD's and sing at the top of my lungs. (Betcha REALLY wish that I lived right around the corner now, dontcha? Shut up. The chick upstairs sings "The Ketchup Song at the top of her lungs and dances around on the balcony. It's a little bit of heaven right here on earth! She even knows all the words! *twinkle*)

I may play "Rub You the Right Way" by Mr. Gill as loud as I want to and as many times in a row and move all the furniture out of the way and dance around as wildly and as stupidly as I want to without being interrupted.

I may watch 36 hours of continuous TLC and MTV reruns if it so pleases me.

I may blog without abandon without feeling neglectful.

I may walk around for the entirely of the TLC/MTV marathon without showering if it so pleases me (I feel pretty. Oh so pretty! I feel pretty and witty and...")

I may work on my ridiculously long Teacher Work Sample for many hours at a time without feeling like a ridiculously neglectful wife.

Yup, and if I can convince myself that all these things are *great*, I'll be just fine! *TWINKLE*

on April 18, 2004 03:03 AM amber said:

hang in there, girl.

on April 18, 2004 03:12 AM rachel said:

you know.. it sucks when they're gone but when you put it that way.. all the stuff i can do? It sounds'll be great i promise! :)

on April 20, 2004 02:45 AM Surfcat said:

I love your attitude on this one! Like I always say:

"Dance like nobody's watching, and love like it ain't goin to hurt!"

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