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Doin' the time to get the dime. Her Momma did NOT raise her to drink cheap champagne.

April 17, 2004

Guilty Pleasures in Japan

Walking around "THE MALL" with some friends tonight after dinner, I encountered this. I immediately started giggling. The male of the couple, who is probably more accustomed to me being...well, me, said something along the lines of me being perverted. The funny thing is, it never struck me this way. I was laughing at the tummy part. AND, because the first part of the "H" is missing, I though it was "Fold it in your hand" - not that anyone I know has EVER folded a crepe in their hand. Fucking AGIVEMEABREAKWILLYOU? Speaking of which, what kind of excuse will I get to make after I am done with the Master's program on the 19th? What of my stupid remarks then? Guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I then told him that I hadn't thought of it that way, and HE should get HIS mind out of the gutter. Embarrassing for me, really. 9 out 10 times I would have beat him to that assumption. However, I thought this was too good not to share. Hold it in your hand, love it in your tummy. Even more embarrassing was that as I had to get situated to take the picture (And believe you me, with the new toy you get situated, there's a add on to take pictures. But when I have I ever had anything against being conspicuous?), the people working there were saying, "Irasshaimase!" Welcome! Welcome! I felt kind of guilty. I'll get over it.

on April 18, 2004 02:06 AM geoff said:

TCWH! forgive me, i haven't been around for a while (reading blogs, that is), i will be adding you to my links ok? thanks for your comments... by the way, CBCs are just like ABCs (A=American C=Canadian, remember, i'm in canada)

on April 18, 2004 03:13 AM rachel said:

I woulda thought the same thing... I wouldn't have been thinkin about crepes... =D ok i'm off now .. imma gonna go play at rose's house taday

on April 18, 2004 04:32 PM dk said:

Hi Alex. Came across this, thought of you:

on April 20, 2004 02:53 AM Surfcat said:

The new toy does a great job! It is dubious that you were embarrased, but I'll buy it ;-) It seems taht every other post, you need to say (in a little girl's voice) "I didn't mean it like that" about some double en tendre.
I think that it's great!

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