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Doin' the time to get the dime. Her Momma did NOT raise her to drink cheap champagne.

April 26, 2004

I'm so Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!

I finally got some free time to go to the Commissary and buy some bread and (Yay and Behold!) they had reduced fat bread! I have been since reduced to a jealous monster since D.H. has told me that the CommY at ABC Air Force Base is packed to the gills with all things good and yummy. Every time Momma sends me coupons I cry, because we can't get that stuff here. Yeah, yeah, I'm spoiled.

So I got the bread home and was preparing for a lovely sandwich, when I opened the bag. What did I see?


No WONDER it's reduced fat (complete with forehead smack here) There's NO middle! If we had a mouse in here, I thought it would have tunneled through, but since I so expertly left a cheese plate on the page, I know there is no one messing with my bread!

Well THERE's 3 dollars well spent. I'll definitely sleep better tonight, y'all. As should you. Am I supposed to spread the mustard AROUND the hole?

on April 27, 2004 03:53 AM She-Dork said:

The only thing you can do with something like that is cover it with sandwich meat and use mayo and mustard as your spackle.

Good luck...

on April 27, 2004 04:36 AM Rose said:

Heh. I'm sorry, Alex, all I can do is laugh. Heh. Ha! Low fat bread!


Can you take it back and get another one?

on April 27, 2004 02:15 PM rachel said:

Man.. I'm laughing too.. I mean I'm sorry but it's funny. I remember when my kid sister wouldn't eat bread with holes in it and my mom would yell at her and she'd cry then my mom would give in and make her another sammich which she'd promptly roll into a ball and pop in her mouth.. damn kids.

on April 27, 2004 02:16 PM Gary said:

Haha. Sorry, but that's hilarious. =D

I guess you could always look at it as being "Holy bread" and a sign you shouldn't eat that nasty low fat stuff, eh? =D

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